There are certain times when your index gets created with warning
“Warning! The maximum key length for a nonclustered index is 1700 bytes.
The index 'test_index' has maximum length of 1705 bytes. For some combination
of large values, the insert/update operation will fail.”
Remember SQL Server 2016 increase maximum key size for Non Cluster Index
from 900 byte to 1700 byte. That seems interesting correct! You can now have more key column in your NC
index Wow!!
Well it is not so wow! The larger index comes with lot of cons, which
you need to consider before designing larger NC index, I will write a separate note
on this.
Let reciprocate the above error to understand more on it.
CREATE TABLE indexDemo.IndexByteSQL2016 ( MyCol1 varchar(1705) );
Here we created table with a single column of length 1705, just do remember
SQL Server 2016 allow only 1700 byte key column length.
Now lets create NC index
CREATE INDEX test_index ON indexDemo.IndexByteSQL2016 (MyCol1);
Warning! The maximum key length for a nonclustered index
is 1700 bytes. The index 'test_index' has maximum length of 1705 bytes. For some
combination of large values, the insert/update operation will fail.
NC index created with warning, this warning we cannot ignore since it
will affect your insertion. Let try to fire some insert statement to test this
INSERT INTO indexDemo.IndexByteSQL2016
SELECT cast(replicate('a', 700) AS varchar(1000)); -- Success
(1 row(s) affected)
INSERT INTO indexDemo.IndexByteSQL2016
SELECT cast(replicate('b', 901) AS varchar(1000)); -- Success
(1 row(s) affected)
INSERT INTO indexDemo.IndexByteSQL2016
SELECT cast(replicate('c', 1703) AS varchar(2000)); -- Fail
Msg 1946, Level 16, State 3, Line 20
Operation failed. The index entry of length 1703
bytes for the index 'test_index' exceeds the maximum length of 1700 bytes for nonclustered
The above insertion fails, why? Though you are trying to insert record
of permissible length defined by your datatype i.e. varchar(1705) but this column
is participating in NC index key creation and in SQL Server 2016 the
permissible length of NC IndexKey columns is 1700.
So this particular value cast(replicate('c',
1703) AS varchar(2000) won’t get space in index creation thus insertion
Enjy coding…SQL J
Post Reference: Vikram Aristocratic Elfin Shar
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