I came across many
people saying cluster index physically sort the data in the table with the
cluster key. Is it correct, let’s see doing a practical session…
Lets create a table ClusterIndexOrderDemo
with cluster index ie with primary key and with two column sno and fname.
create table ClusterIndexOrderDemo
sno int not null primary
fname varchar(10) not null
Command(s) completed
Now we will be inserting
few rows… see the data for sno field, it is not in order.
insert into ClusterIndexOrderDemo
select 15, 'Vaidik' UNION ALL
select 25, 'Aakshat' UNION ALL
select 05, 'Dhanya'
Trace Flag 3604 forces the
output to the client (in our case SSMS result pane) and DBCC Page gives you the
page details
dbcc TraceOn(3604)
DBCC execution completed.
Now we will be firing DBCC IND – used to know the page
details of tables & indexes.
Syntax :
DBCC IND ( {dbname}, {table_name},{index_id} )Were,
dbname : your
your table name
for cluster index 1 , for non cluster index its 2
dbcc IND ('testDemo', 'ClusterIndexOrderDemo',
PartitionNumber PartitionID
iam_chain_type PageType
IndexLevel NextPageFID NextPagePID PrevPageFID PrevPagePID
------- ----------- ------
----------- ----------- ----------- --------------- --------------------
-------------------- -------- ---------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1 71 NULL
NULL 309576141 1
72057594039828480 In-row
data 10 NULL 0 0 0 0
1 70 1
71 309576141
1 1 72057594039828480 In-row data 1 0 0 0 0 0
(2 row(s) affected)
DBCC execution completed. If
DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.
You will be getting two
rows, check for Page Type column
where it is 1 see and note the
corresponding page number and file number. Here in our case I am getting page number as 70 and file id as 1.
Now I can run DBCC Page
command. So whats the syntax ?
page ({'dbname'|dbid}, filenum, pagenum [,printopt={0|1|2|3}]
Here in our case the
database is testDemo, fileId is 1, page id is 70 and print option we are providing as 2 which means all page info
DBCC PAGE ('testDemo',1,70,2)
Pick the offset table
from output
Row - Offset
2 (0x2) - 117 (0x75) (Akshat)
1 (0x1) - 96 (0x60) (Vaidik)
0 (0x0) - 139 (0x8b) (Dhanya)
Here the 117, 96, 139
are location where as the 2,1,0 are offset.
Now we will be entering
few more record and then will check the location and the offset.
insert into ClusterIndexOrderDemo
select 20, 'Radhika' UNION ALL
select 30, 'Silpa' UNION ALL
select 10, 'Sanjana'
dbcc page ('testDemo',1,70,2)
Row - Offset
5 (0x5) - 182 (0xb6) (Silpa)
4 (0x4) - 117 (0x75) (Akshat)
3 (0x3) - 160 (0xa0) (Radhika)
2 (0x2) - 96 (0x60) (Vaidik)
1 (0x1) - 202 (0xca) (Sanjana)
0 (0x0) - 139 (0x8b) (Dhanya)
Conclusion: So we can see here that the place
where record got added that location is not changed at all. Instead based on
the clustered index key it maintains the correct order within this Row
Offset table.
So Clustered Index physically orders the data within a table? NO
Code award energy, No boost up drink required
Post Reference: Vikram Aristocratic Elfin Share