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Mumbai, Maharastra, India
He has more than 7.6 years of experience in the software development. He has spent most of the times in web/desktop application development. He has sound knowledge in various database concepts. You can reach him at viki.keshari@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/vikrammahapatra/ https://twitter.com/VikramMahapatra http://www.facebook.com/viki.keshari

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Showing posts with label Self Join. Show all posts

Friday, June 7, 2013

Hierarchical Data Storing in Database table

It was a very good morning, my friend Snehal came up with a good discussion on storing the folder structure in database, we had a good discussion and end up with a good solution.

Problem Statement:

Suppose folder structure is der like folder n subfolder so suppose “Main” folder has sub folder “A” and “B” and “A”  has “a1” and B has “b1” so how will you maintain dis data in single table and how you will get all sub folders(“A”,”B”,”a1”,”b1”) of “Main” folder .

root1      root2      root3
---------- ---------- ----------
mail       A          a1
mail       B          b1

Solution :

create table SnehalKaQuestion
(FolderId int,
FolderName varchar(10),
ParentFolder int null) 

insert into SnehalKaQuestion values(1,'mail',null),(2,'A',1),(3,'a1',2),(4,'B',1),(5,'b1',4)

delete SnehalKaQuestion

select FolderName from SnehalKaQuestion

select s1.foldername as root1, s2.foldername as root2, s3.FolderName as root3
from SnehalKaQuestion s1
left join SnehalKaQuestion s2 on s2.ParentFolder =s1.FolderId
left join SnehalKaQuestion s3 on s3.ParentFolder=s2.FolderId
where s1.FolderName = 'mail'


S1 Table

FolderId    FolderName ParentFolder    
----------- ---------- ------------
1           mail       NULL
2           A          1
3           a1         2
4           B          1
5           b1         4

S2 Table

FolderId    FolderName ParentFolder    
----------- ---------- ------------
1           mail       NULL
2           A          1
3           a1         2
4           B          1
5           b1         4

(5 row(s) affected)

select s2.FolderId as s2FolderID,s1.foldername as root1, s2.foldername as root2
from SnehalKaQuestion s1
left join SnehalKaQuestion s2 on s2.ParentFolder =s1.FolderId
where s1.FolderName = 'mail'

S1 left Join S2
s2FolderID  root1      root2
----------- ---------- ----------
2           mail       A
4           mail       B

S3 Table
FolderId    FolderName ParentFolder    
----------- ---------- ------------
1           mail       NULL
2           A          1
3           a1         2
4           B          1
5           b1         4

select s1.foldername as root1, s2.foldername as root2,  s3.foldername as root3
from SnehalKaQuestion s1
left join SnehalKaQuestion s2 on s2.ParentFolder =s1.FolderId
left join SnehalKaQuestion s3 on s3.ParentFolder=s2.FolderId
where s1.FolderName = 'mail'

(S1 left Join S2) left join s3
root1      root2      root3
---------- ---------- ----------
mail       A          a1
mail       B          b1

Burn yourself through code, incredible will come up, we will label it new feature  

Post Reference: Vikram Aristocratic Elfin Share