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He has more than 7.6 years of experience in the software development. He has spent most of the times in web/desktop application development. He has sound knowledge in various database concepts. You can reach him at viki.keshari@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/vikrammahapatra/ https://twitter.com/VikramMahapatra http://www.facebook.com/viki.keshari

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Showing posts with label Python Dictionary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Python Dictionary. Show all posts

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Python Trick: Alternative to if-else/Case statement

Lets look the below code snippet

def add_number(a,b):

def multiply_number(a,b):

def division_number(a,b):

result =

if result == '10':
elif result == '20':
elif result== '30':

here we have three method, and methods are called depending upon the value of result, if the result value is 10 then add_number is called, if result is 20 then multiply_number is called and so on

So you can see above we have written multiline if-elseif statement to call method on the bases of result value.

Now lets see the below code snippet, here we have declare a dictionary object with result value as a key of dictionary object and the associated method as a dictionary key value.



The result value is store in a result variable and that variable is passed as an index to dictionary key which internally calls the associated method. So it just one line statement instead of if-else ladder.

Enjoy pythonic way J

Post Reference: Vikram Aristocratic Elfin Share

Python Trick: Make your program look simple and clean, with the help of dictionary:

When you have multiple object in you program, it often looks messy with different object name being used to call corresponding methods. Let’s see with an example:

class Dog:
def __init__(self,name):
def add_talent(self,talent):

dog_obj1 = Dog(
dog_obj2 = Dog(

'Black Plet')
'Fisher Dog')

'Guard Dog')
'Happy Eater')

print("Talent of Peddy")

print("\nTalent of Magnet")

Talent of Peddy
['Black Plet', 'Fisher Dog']

Talent of Magnet
['Black Plet', 'Fisher Dog']

here above if you see, we have Dog class which has a constructor which initialize two instance object talents (list obj) and  name and we have one instance method add_talent which add the talent of Dog object.

In later part of code, we have declared two object dog_obj1(‘Peddy’) and dog_obj2(‘Magnet’), and then we are calling add_talent method to add talent of Peddy and Magnet.

The code all ok, but just imagine when you have plenty of object in you program, then your program may look quite messy with different objects name.

So what could be the way?

Simple, simple create a dictionary with list of object key value pair and access each object instance variable and method with dictionary object key value. Look at below code snippet

# creating dictionary of Dog

# Accessing instance valriable of class

# To add new talent of Paddy, it would be qutie simple"
obj_dict['Peddy'].add_talent('Wolf mound')

#Printing talent of Peddy


['Black Plet', 'Fisher Dog']
['Guard Dog', 'Happy Eater']
['Black Plet', 'Fisher Dog', 'Wolf mound']

So here we created a dictionary object obj_dict with list of Dog class object with key value pair Peddy and Magnet. There after we are accessing the Peddy and Magnet talent with dictionary key


Now if we want to add new talent of Peddy then it quite simple:

obj_dict['Peddy'].add_talent('Wolf mound')

This way, your program looks very less messy and much readable.

Enjoy pythonic way J

Post Reference: Vikram Aristocratic Elfin Share