In SQL Server the variable
which we declare in the block has scope to that block only, when you try to
access that variable outside that scope, you won’t be able to access it. Let
see with an example
Here we are creating two blocks, in first block we are
declaring a variable @tempInt of INT type and initializing it with 5. And in
second block, we are just trying to print the value of that variable.
declare @tempInt int
set @tempInt = 5
print @tempInt
go --Here we finished our first block
print @tempInt
go --Here we finished
our Second block
137, Level 15, State 2, Line 1
Must declare the scalar variable
From the output we can see the
first Print which is present in first block where the variable was declared and
initialized display its value but which we try to display the value of variable
in second block it fires error saying, declare variable “@tempInt.
Conclusion: The scope of
variable exists only to the block where it gets declared.
This problem can be solved
using CONTEXT_INFO, context_info is a variable specific to a session of type
varbinary(128), to access the value of context_info we have a function
context_info(). You can also set your own value in context_info variable.
Session variable storing Varchar value
declare @strSource
select @strSource
= convert(varbinary(50),'My testing')
set context_info @strSource
declare @strDesti varchar(50)
select @strDesti = cast(cast(context_info() as binary(50)) as varchar)
My testing
Session variable storing int value
@strSourceInt varbinary(50)
@strSourceInt = convert(varbinary(max),387)
set context_info @strSourceInt
@strDestiInt int
@strDestiInt = cast(cast(context_info() as binary(4)) as int)
print @strDestiInt
Session Variable scope
declare @strDesti varchar(50)
select @strDesti = cast(cast(context_info() as binary(50)) as varchar)
@strSourceInt varbinary(50)
@strSourceInt = convert(varbinary(max),300)
set context_info @strSourceInt
@strDestiInt int
@strDestiInt = cast(cast(context_info() as binary(4)) as int)
print cast(@strDestiInt as varchar) + ' from Ist Batch'
go --Here we finished first block
print cast(cast(cast(context_info() as binary(4)) as int) as varchar) + ' from IInd Batch'
@strSourceInt varbinary(50)
@strSourceInt = convert(varbinary(max),400)
set context_info @strSourceInt
@strDestiInt int
@strDestiInt = cast(cast(context_info() as binary(4)) as int)
print cast(@strDestiInt as varchar) + ' New value from IIst Batch'
go --Here we finished
second block
print cast(cast(cast(context_info() as binary(4)) as int) as varchar) + ' from IIIrd Batch'
go --Here we finished third block
300 from Ist
300 from
IInd Batch
400 New
value from IIst Batch
400 from IIIrd Batch
So from the output we can see
that the first value which gets assigned to context_info variable was 300 and
it is also accessable in second block too as we saw in second line of output
then we modified the value of context_info variable in third block to 400, and
again in third block we can access the modified value of context_info.
Conclusion: CONTEXT_INFO
retains its value across blocks and u can also set new value to context info in
any block.
When programmer do code, nothing
annoys them so much.. J
Post Reference: Vikram
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