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Mumbai, Maharastra, India
He has more than 7.6 years of experience in the software development. He has spent most of the times in web/desktop application development. He has sound knowledge in various database concepts. You can reach him at viki.keshari@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/vikrammahapatra/ https://twitter.com/VikramMahapatra http://www.facebook.com/viki.keshari

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Showing posts with label Pagination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pagination. Show all posts

Thursday, December 25, 2014

New way of implementing Pagination in SQL Server 2012

Pagination is common requirement for any application, where we pull data in chunks depending upon the page number and size of page. Here in this article we will see how we can achieve pagination through Server 2012, now it is very easy to use and implement paging in SQL Server 2012. We only need to know these keywords (OFFSET, FETCH NEXT) with Order By Clause and we this we can start our pagination request.

Lets start our demo, here we are declaring a table Employee with three fields.

create table Employees (
empid int NOT NULL,
empname varchar(25) NOT NULL,
salary decimal(15,2)
Command(s) completed successfully.

Lets insert few data in the table.

declare @i int = 0
while @i < 10000
insert into Employees
select round(rand() * 10000,0),'abc' + cast(round(rand()*10,0) as varchar), rand()*1000
set @i = @i + 1

Now since our table is ready, its time to enter implement pagination,

declare @offset int = 0
declare @next int = 5

select * from Employees  order by empid asc

empid       empname                   salary
----------- ------------------------- ---------
1           abc9                      364.48
2           abc8                      14.74
3           abc10                     618.69
4           abc10                     852.50
5           abc6                      788.89

OFFSET: The query excludes the number of records we mentioned in OFFSET. It says how many records we need to exclude
FETCH NEXT: It says how many records you want to fetch from the query.

In our example we use OFFSET as 0, that means we are not interest in skipping any row and FETCH NEXT is 5 means first five records, we are interest in.

That’s all one need to do to implement Pagination in SQL Server 2012.

SQL Server with a Tea glass makes a perfect combination to deal with darkness :)

Post Reference: Vikram Aristocratic Elfin Share

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Pagination prior to SQL Server 2012

Pagination is common requirement for any application, where we pull data in chunks depending upon the page number and size of page. Here in this article we will see how we can achieve pagination through SQL server prior to SQ: Server 2012,

Here we are declaring a table Employee with three fields.

create table Employees (
empid int NOT NULL,
empname varchar(25) NOT NULL,
salary decimal(15,2)
Command(s) completed successfully.

Lets insert few data in the table.

declare @i int = 0
while @i < 10000
insert into Employees
select round(rand() * 10000,0),'abc' + cast(round(rand()*10,0) as varchar), rand()*1000
set @i = @i + 1

Now since our table is ready, its time to enter implement pagination, here in the below script, we have taken 2 variable, @PageNo, which indicate which page to see for data and second one is @Size which says the number of records in each page. Here we are using Row_Number ranking function, Approach is

  • ·         We are giving a row number in sequence to all rows of table using ROW_NUMBER Rank function.
  • ·         Then according to the value of page number and page size, we are extracting the records.
  • ·         Eg. If @PageNo is 4 and row @PageSize is 5 then the row to return should  have 20-25 as row numbers.

declare @pageNo int
set @pageNo=1
declare @Size int
set @Size=5
select * from (select ROW_NUMBER ()  over ( order by empid asc ) as rowno , employees.* from Employees ) s
where s.rowno > (@pageNo*@Size) and s.rowno <=((@pageNo+1)*@Size)

rowno                empid       empname                   salary
-------------------- ----------- ------------------------- ---------
1                    10          abc5                      80.35
2                    11          abc9                      287.90
3                    12          abc5                      815.79
4                    13          abc5                      433.73
5                    14          abc4                      645.19

That’s all one need to do to implement Pagination in SQL Server Prior to SQL Server 2012.

Everything gets better when you have tea and SQL Server J

Post Reference: Vikram Aristocratic Elfin Share