When we have transaction block
defined inside transaction block, we call it as Nested transaction, and here in
this article we will see how Rollback and Commit works with Nested transaction.
Let’s start with Rollback
Nested Transaction
with Rollback
We are creating a table with a
single column for our demo.
create table TAB_NestedTransaction_Demo
(col1 int)
completed successfully.
Now lets start with our transaction block, here we are
creating a transaction block named “firstTran”,
inside it we are first inserting a record in newly created table “TAB_NestedTransaction_Demo” thereafter
again we are creating one more transaction block named “secondTran” in inside the second transaction block we are inserting
one more record in “TAB_NestedTransaction_Demo”
table. Then we are rollbacking the second transaction and checking the
transaction count (number of active transaction)
begin tran firstTran
insert into TAB_NestedTransaction_Demo values(1)
begin tran secondTran
into TAB_NestedTransaction_Demo values(2)
rollback tran secondTran
select @@TRANCOUNT
6401, Level 16, State 1, Line 6
Cannot roll back secondTran. No transaction or
savepoint of that name was found.
No of Active
The above
script throw an error while trying to rollback the inner transaction “secondTran”.
And we can see the transaction count comes out as 2. That means none of the
transaction gets rollbacked even after explicitly rollbacking innner
transaction “secondTran”.Lets now execute the below lines and see the finding
rollback tran firstTran
select @@TRANCOUNT
as [No of Active Tran]
No of Active
two lines successfully gets executed and we can see transaction count comes out
to be zero now.
: from the above example we can see that SQL server will allow you to rollback only the
outer transaction and rollback of outer transaction will rollback all nested
transactions and hence making the transaction count to zero.
Nested Transaction
with Commit
Lets now check out nested
transaction with COMMIT, here we can see in the below code block we open first
transaction firstTran then we inserted a record in TAB_NestedTransaction_Demo
then we are opening one more transation inside the outer one and inserting
one more record to the same table, thereafter we are committed second
transaction. Then we rollback first transaction.
begin tran firstTran
insert into TAB_NestedTransaction_Demo values(1)
begin tran secondTran
@@TRANCOUNT [No of Active Tran from Inner]
into TAB_NestedTransaction_Demo values(2)
commit tran secondTran
select @@TRANCOUNT [No of Active Tran from Outer]
[No of
Active Tran from Inner]
[No of
Active Tran from Outer]
Now lets query
select * from TAB_NestedTransaction_Demo
(0 row(s) affected)
our sock what we saw there is no records which get inserted in the table even
after committing the inner transaction after inserting record into the table.
more finding which we can see is, after committing the inner transaction, the
transaction count reduced to one. Which says that the inner transaction is
committed, but when doing select query on table, after executing last rollback
statement, we found no records in the table?
Conclusion: There is no effect in committing the inner
transaction in Nested Transaction. And you cannot rollback inner transaction.
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Post Reference: Vikram Aristocratic Elfin Share
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