How to set predefined value for a column in SQL Server Table object
Check constraints contain an expression the database will evaluate when you modify or insert a row. You can use any of the operator (<, >, <=, >=, IN, Like, Between, AND, OR) to build your check constraint expression. Only when the expression in check constraint evaluates to true, you will be allowed to insert or update record in the table whereas if check constraint expression evaluate to false you will not allowed enter/update record in the table.
You can add check constraint for your column in 3 ways: column level, table level or using alter table statement.
1) Column level
Create table ActivityMaster
activity_id int,
activity_name check (activity_name in (‘cricket’, ’tt’, ’swimming ’))
2)Table Level
Create table ActivityMaster
activity_id int,
constraint chkActivityName check (activity_name in (‘cricket’, ’tt’, ’swimming ’))
3)In Alter Statement
Alter table ActivityMaster
Add check (activity_name in (‘cricket’, ’tt’, ’swimming ’))
Here in the above example we are having a table called ActivityMaster which contain two column activity_id and activity_name then we are adding check constraint with activity_name which says, the activity_name column cannot have other than (‘cricket’, ’tt’, ’swimming ’).
Some more use of Check
We can have multiple use of check constraint say salary should be greater than 3000
Alter table EmployeeSalary
Add check (emp_salary > 3000)
You can also use ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ operator with check constraint.
Alter table EmployeeSalary
Add check (emp_salary >= 3000 AND emp_salary <= 90000 )
Two or more column in single Check
You can have multiple columns in a single check constraint like the one below
Alter table EmployeeSalary
Add check (emp_salary > 10000 and emp_post like ‘manager’)
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