Question: Generate a month wise allowance received report for each employee, keep Null in allowance for those month where employee has not received any allowance.
emp_id emp_name month_number allowance
E001 Aayansh 1 1000
E001 Aayansh 2 3000
E002 Rishika 3 2000
E002 Rishika 5 4000
Output should be :
month_number emp_id emp_name allowance
1 E001 Aayansh 1000
2 E001 Aayansh 3000
3 E001 Aayansh null
4 E001 Aayansh null
5 E001 Aayansh null
6 E001 Aayansh null
7 E001 Aayansh null
8 E001 Aayansh null
9 E001 Aayansh null
10 E001 Aayansh null
11 E001 Aayansh null
12 E001 Aayansh null
1) generate a month number derived CTE
2) Cross join MonthCTE with EmpAllowance Table and take the distinct record
3) Left join the CorssJoin result from 2nd step to EmpAllowance table and take allowance from EmpAllowance
;with MonthCTE AS
(select 1 as month_number
union all
select month_number + 1 as month_number from MonthCTE
where month_number < 12
ReportTemplateCTE as
(select DISTINCT m.month_number, e.emp_id, e.emp_name from MonthCTE m cross join EmpAllowance e)
select r.*, e.allowance from ReportTemplateCTE r left join EmpAllowance e
on r.month_number = e.month_number and r.emp_id = e.emp_id
order by r.emp_id