Lets try out with a small demo, here we are creating table with three column, out of which two column has identity property set.
create table dupIdentity
(col1 int identity(1,1),
col2 int identity(1,1),
col3 varchar(10))
Msg 2744, Level
16, State 2, Line 1
Multiple identity
columns specified for table 'dupIdentity'. Only one identity column per table
is allowed.
Identity property is not allowing me to have on
multiple columns.
So what’s the alternative, apparently SQL Server 2012
feature SEQUENCE Object? Lets try out. First we will create table without any
identity property column
create table dupIdentity
(col1 int,
col2 int,
col3 varchar(10))
Command(s) completed
Now lets create two sequence object seq1 and seq1, one
which will starts from 1 and another will starts from 10 and incremented by 1
after every insert.
create sequence seq1 as int
start with 1
increment by 1
create sequence seq2 as int
start with 10
increment by 1
Command(s) completed
Now since we have sequence object in place, lets apply
it to our table
insert into dupIdentity values ( next value for seq1, next value for seq2, 'Pragyan')
insert into dupIdentity values ( next value for seq1, next value for seq2, 'Lopamudra')
(2 row(s) affected)
Lets query the table to find the data inserted.
select * from dupIdentity
col1 col2 col3
----------- -----------
1 10 Pragyan
2 11 Lopamudra
(2 row(s) affected)
That’s it J
Conclusion: we can stimulate multiple identity property
through Sequence Object of SQL Server 2012.
Nights are bore to tears when I am
far from you, my SQL Server :)
Post Reference: Vikram Aristocratic Elfin Share