Today it happened, I was called by my fellow
programmer, he saw me a piece of T-SQL Code and asks few question on it, I will
try to replicate the same code here.
There was a query somehow like this
select sub_group,sub_group,name,name from #temp
where sub_group
= 'Furniture'
order by sub_group
And the query was failing, and asked me to
justify the why it failing. That’s good, I find it interesting to explain the
logic behind the scene through Logical Query Processing. Yeah ;) I didn’t ask tea this time for this:
Let’s formulate the same scenario by
creating a sample table.
create table #temp
(id int identity(1,1),
sub_group varchar(10),
name varchar(10))
Command(s) completed
Lets insert few records in it.
insert into #temp
select 'Furniture','chair' union all
select 'Vechile','Maruti' union all
select 'Furniture','Desk' union all
select 'Furniture','Dine' union all
select 'Vechile','Honda' union all
select 'H.Vechile','Mahindra'
Now we can have the same Select query. Lets
fire the query and see the output.
select sub_group,sub_group,name,name from #temp
where sub_group
= 'Furniture'
order by sub_group
Msg 209, Level
16, State 1, Line 32
Ambiguous column
name 'sub_group'.
Now lets take the
error, and dig the background of it. Now it says Ambiguous Column name.
If you see in the
select list, we have called this column two times, now if we go through logical
query processing, it says for this query.
from clause gets executed i.e #temp and record set will build up say RS1.
where by clause gets executed which will filter the data and remain with the
data which has ‘Furniture’ as sub_group and create a new record set say RS2
3rd Now
the Select clause will gets executed with form one more column of same name as
sub_group. So the new record set will have this many column “sub_group,
sub_group, name, name” say this record set as RS3
4th Now
Oder By clause gets the chance, it operate on RS3 record set, now if you see in
query, the order by clause is on sub_group, so when it tries to order the RS3
data, it will found two column with same name sub_group, and optimizer find it
difficult which column to pick up, thus it throws Ambiguous column error.
Solution to this problem is: make an alias
to one of the sub_group column.
select sub_group,sub_group SB ,name,name from #temp
where sub_group
= 'Furniture'
order by sub_group
Run the query and you will get your result.
sub_group SB
name name
---------- ----------
---------- ----------
Furniture Furniture
chair chair
Furniture Furniture
Desk Desk
Furniture Furniture
Dine Dine
You just have to make time
for your coding and keep it balance J
Post Reference: Vikram Aristocratic Elfin Share