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Mumbai, Maharastra, India
He has more than 7.6 years of experience in the software development. He has spent most of the times in web/desktop application development. He has sound knowledge in various database concepts. You can reach him at viki.keshari@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/vikrammahapatra/ https://twitter.com/VikramMahapatra http://www.facebook.com/viki.keshari

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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Creating Sequence Number DDMMYY-00001 where DDMMYY is today’s date

The defined logic for generating sequence number field which is 12 digits is

E.g. 281113-00001
Where 281113 - Today’s date and
00001 – Unique no which will auto increment.

We require a table which will hold a single row with one filed today_date which will hold the current date and current_sequence_no which will hold the current sequence number.

create table Tab_VKM_SequenceManagement
(id int identity(1,1),
todays_date date,
current_sequence_no int)

insert into Tab_VKM_SequenceManagement(todays_date,current_sequence_no)

select * from Tab_VKM_SequenceManagement

Let’s create a procedure which will first check the date stored in Tab_VKM_SequenceManagement with the current date, if it is current date then it will update the table current_sequence count to +1 and generate the sequence number.
If the date in the table is not current date then it will update the date filed to current date and current_sequence to 1 and generate the required sequence number.

alter procedure  Proc_VKM_GetNextSequence
@return_sequence varchar(15) OUTPUT
    declare @date date
    declare @sequence_no int
    declare @day varchar(4)
    declare @month varchar(4)
    declare @year varchar(4)
    select @date = todays_date, @sequence_no = current_sequence_no
    from Tab_VKM_SequenceManagement where id = 1     
    if @date = cast (getdate() as date)
            update Tab_VKM_SequenceManagement
            set current_sequence_no = current_sequence_no +1
            where id =1
            set @day =
            right('00' + cast( datepart(DD,@date) as varchar),2)
            set @month =
            right('00' + cast( datepart(MM,getdate()) as varchar),2)
            set @year =
            cast(Right(datepart(YY,getdate()),2) as varchar)
            set @return_sequence =
            @day + @month + @year + '-' +
            right(('00000' + cast((@sequence_no +1) as varchar)),5)    
    else if @date != cast (getdate() as date)
            update Tab_VKM_SequenceManagement
            set todays_date = GETDATE(), current_sequence_no =1
            select @date = todays_date, @sequence_no = current_sequence_no
            from Tab_VKM_SequenceManagement where id = 1
            set @day =
            right('00' + cast( datepart(DD,@date) as varchar),2)
            set @month =
            right('00' + cast( datepart(MM,getdate()) as varchar),2)
            set @year =
            cast(Right(datepart(YY,getdate()),2) as varchar)
            set @return_sequence = @day + @month + @year + '-' +
            right(('00000' + cast((@sequence_no) as varchar)),5)

Script to call the procedure.

declare @next_sequence varchar(15)
exec Proc_VKM_GetNextSequence @next_sequence OUT
select @next_sequence

When the code shows the happiness, ego bored into it.

Post Reference: Vikram Aristocratic Elfin Share

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